OK...couldn't come up with any excuses for why I can't go, so I'm off to get my teeth cleaned tomorrow at 11. I'm hoping I don't have to have an x-ray...and therefore we won't find any cavities if one exists. I guess even if they do...I can always go back later...yeah, way later...maybe next year later.
Prayers would be appreciated about 11 tomorrow morning.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
So Here I Go
Posted by Carol at 12:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dentists
Monday, November 26, 2007
Ugh, It's That Time Again!
I just realized again that I have to go to the dentist for a cleaning Wednesday. YUCK! Have I mentioned lately how much I HATE dentists?! And, I've been grinding my teeth lately so I'll have the wonderful TMJ garbage too. UGH! I hate this stuff. Hopefully, I don't have to have an x-ray I'm afraid of a cavity...not that I've been hurting (other than my TMJ grinding junk) but just afraid. Well, I guess it's better sooner than later.
Did I mention that I often change my appointments at least twice before I actually go? Yeah, I have a feeling that the dentist office takes wagers on whether I'll show or not. I'm out of excuses...I guess I'll go.
Unless....there's some other reason I can't. Hmmm.....any suggestions?
(Side Note: Actually, my dentist and her hygienists are really pretty good and do not resemble the drawing....but in my mind, that's how I see most dentists.)
Posted by Carol at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dentists
Saturday, November 24, 2007
My Baby's Growing Up
My youngest had his first haircut today. He was such a brave little one...no tears at all...except when Jim held his head so our stylist could cut his hair in the back. Below are some pics from this semi-sacred and milestone-ish day.
He's getting to be such a big boy....he's growing up. GULP
Below is a video from today too.
Posted by Carol at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: my youngest
Friday, November 23, 2007
More Pics from Atlanta
Gavin took this picture of Eli, Marko and myself. Then there's a picture of my friend that showed me around the town.
Posted by Carol at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Youth Specialties
Twenty Years Later
This evening members of my high school class are gathering at a local (back home) club to share stories of the "Good Ol' Days". We're not going. Why, you ask...or perhaps you really don't care. I'm going to tell you anyway.
1. Thanksgiving is a busy time in our church and household...because of our Thursday night service, Common Grounds, which ministers to over one hundred people each week who are homeless, trying to restart their lives or disenfranchised. When we started this service almost 4 years ago, we thought we'd be reaching students at Marshall University through contemporary music, food offered by donation and a different style of preaching. But God had different ideas...people came and they brought friends. But I digress. We had our 2nd annual Thanksgiving dinner at which we served 137 people. So, that is one reason we didn't travel back home because we wanted to be able to chill without traveling.
2. My senior class was made up of some very non-nice people. These were the folks that made your life miserable if you were smart, went to church, didn't drink, or were different in any way shape or form from them. These were the folks who agreed to be in charge of the reunions from our graduation on. These were the folks who had our 5 year in a woods where they used to party and expected everyone to chip in for the keg. I didn't go to that one either. So, why would I want to spend money to have an indigestion causing dinner with people that I didn't like then and don't really want to spend time with now.
3. For our 10 year reunion, Jim and I had just gotten married...I was skinny, tan....it was good. We had just gotten back from our honeymoon and went. I thought maybe they'd be different (I'd heard that from my cousin) but it was the same ol' same ol'. First of all, my invitation came to Carol Snyder Methesco (the seminary I was attending at the time) McKay. I didn't realize I had married some fictional character named Methesco. Hmm....where was my free tuition. When we got there I thought things were going to be different, but uh no. People were given awards for having the most children. This one chick who used to be a good friend of mine in 6th grade...who didn't graduate with us but left the end of our sophomore year...was "voted" best dressed and most successful. Not rally sure what she did...but there you go. I visited with three good friends while the b-squad still sat in the corner and talked about people. I thought they'd be different but they weren't.
4. This year they "couldn't find me" to send me the invitation. My parents go to one of my classmates who is an optometrist. He asked if I was coming for it. My mom told him I hadn't heard anything about it...this was about 3 weeks ago if that. He said they didn't know how to find me. I don't buy that story. First of all, my parents live in the same house that I had lived in all my life til I left after college. Second, there's the internet...on which you can find so many people just by Googling them. But, somehow mysteriously I got an invitation in the mail. My thought is they invited people only after they found out they didn't have enough money for the club.
5. My real friends won't be there. There is a group of us who really don't want to be around the negative influence of our high school peers. We've talked about having a anti-reunion reunion. One where we can sit and chat and catch up.
It's sad to me that people don't change. I feel as though when I went to college I grew up. I'd love to get together with those folks...we shared lives for four years...we became a part of each other's lives and will remember one another forever. Those I went to seminary with are like family...we experienced so much together...we can get together at alum days and it's like we never left. But these folks...some of which I have known for 34+ years are some of the most distant people I know.
Twenty years...where have they gone? I can't believe it's been that long. But all the same, I'll pass on seeing these folks this year cuz quite frankly, I don't want to go back in time.
Posted by Carol at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: back home
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I hope all of you have a Wonderful, Happy Thanksgiving. May we all remember with love and gratefulness the blessings that we have received. I share this picture that I got from Jim's mom...I love the Wizard of Oz and thought I'd share this laugh...
Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy some turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes and definitely pumpkin pie. Watch the Macy's parade...see Santa arrive...watch some football...take a nap...enjoy the day!!
Posted by Carol at 1:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thanksgiving Guest?
This morning as I was rinsing off the highchair's tray in our kitchen sink, something in our backyard caught my eye. I looked out and saw this HUGE bird. At first I thought...now don't laugh..."God has sent us a turkey...but how will we kill it?" But then it turned around and looked right at me.
It was a hawk. And it was eating something in our yard. I looked and everything was gone from what I could tell. An unusual Thanksgiving visitor.
Our neighbor's daughter said she thought it may be a baby hawk. She went to grab her camera but by the time she got back it was gone. She said that it's very rare to see a hawk that close (she used to be a park ranger). These are some of the pictures we got.
Posted by Carol at 9:23 PM 0 comments
The Luggage Finally Arrived
Because of my exhaustion from traveling, I didn't blog Monday and yesterday was hectic trying to get stuff together/caught up that I didn't write then either.
It's amazing how things change just a little sometimes. The one thing I was a little wiggy about over this trip was losing my luggage...something that's kinda happened to me before. Before our youngest was born...actually I was 6 months pregnant with him...we went to San Diego. It was Memorial Day weekend and we were on our way back. We were to fly into Chicago because I didn't want to go through DC. Well, it was storming in the Windy City so we sat on the runway waiting to take off. In doing so, we missed our flight back to Huntington. The night before air traffic was jammed too because of similar conditions. So, we were stuck...we were in Chicago...no luggage and stuck for 2 days. Being 6 months pregnant I found no humor in this at all. We were lucky, though, and got hotel rooms (we were traveling with my husband's boss) at a place that was a mile from a huge mall complete with a Motherhood store. So, we were ok.
Anyhoo ever since that happened I've been paranoid that I'm going to lose my luggage. My flight out of Atlanta was delayed just a little. It was in the beginning of the holiday rush. There was fog early in the morning. Some flights were delayed and so the gate where my flight was to take off from was packed. There was talk from the Delta folks that we were close to our weight limit and they needed to know who had kids (not something you really want to hear). We sat on the mat waiting to take off as our fuel level was reduced.
My hour layover in Cincinnati turned into about 20 minutes. Needless to say my luggage didn't make the trek across the airport. We got into Huntington and no luggage.
Normally this would freak me out...and I was upset cuz some of the souvenirs I bought were in that suitcase. But at least I was home. Yesterday my luggage finally showed up. All's really good.
The last day of the National Youth Workers Conference we were encouraged to write the title of the next chapter of our life. The theme of the conference was Storyline...becoming a part of God's bigger story. Looking Forward, Not Looking Back is what I wrote for this next chapter.
Posted by Carol at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Random Thoughts From NYWC - Day Five -There's No Place Like Home
I'm waiting at the airport now after a day of listening, worshiping and preparing to travel. My flight takes off at 6:30...I'm hoping nothing is delayed or anything. I wish I was home already instead of waiting but it won't be long.
It was a good day today...we saw The Skit Guys, Lost and Found and Marco lead the closing seminar. I met a gal from Phoenix and we had a lunch together. Check in here went quicker than I had anticipated and they said they were looking for a major rush later, so I'm glad I came early.
I had an early dinner and have been sitting blogging and waiting for my flight. It's almost time to take my Dramamine...
I wish I could click my heels and say, "There's No Place Like Home."
Posted by Carol at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: home, Youth Specialties
Lost and Found, Bob and the Kit Guys
Lost and Found - a musical comedic group (left)
Then we heard from Bob Stromberg....
Finally, we heard from The Skit Guys who taught the signers and all the rest of us some very interesting things...including the sign for passing gas. Thanks, guys!
Posted by Carol at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Youth Specialties
Random Thoughts From NYWC - Day Four
I didn't blog from the conference yesterday because by the time I got back to the hotel, I was exhausted. Plus, I still had to pack to go home. So, let's see if I can remember what I did yesterday.
Worship was wonderful, especially with David Crowder...I just LOVE his music!! This picture's not the greatest cuz I was sitting toward the back and I took this off of the screen. But, he was WONDERFUL!
Oh, yesterday I forgot to mention this CRAZY and I mean CRAZY band called the Family Force 5. I think that many of our youth group kids would just love these guys. They were quite wild, including the lead singer donning a pair of silver gloves/hands on one of the songs.
Anyway, back to Sunday. So we had worship with David Crowder...then Doug Fields from Saddleback talked. The talk was good...it was about envy and Doug talked about the story of Joseph and his brothers. Following that I had lunch with a gal named Paige and her husband, they were from Radford, VA. And then attended some media classes in the afternoon. Some really great stuff was shared there on how to make powerpoint slides...I have a book and hope I can replicate what they did.
Following the tech workshops, I met up with Mary and we went to the Varsity. The largest drivein in America...the drive in was also seen on the movie We Are Marshall. Anyway, after that we went to this mall and looked around and then I made my way back to the conference.
Last night Marqus Loughlin did a dramatic reading about Abraham and Sarah...boy that was powerful. And then Lost and Found, Bob Stromberg and The Skit Guys performed. This was the first time I'd seen any of these.
I found The Skit Guys hilarious. I wanted to hear Bob because he's coming to our church in the spring for JesusQuest a youth rally (more on that later) and Lost and Found is a favorite of a good friend of mine.
After meeting up with Eli and his wife, Jenn I planned to go to the late night comedy time with
these last performers and boy, was it funny. I'll post pictures in the next post.
Posted by Carol at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Youth Specialties
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Random Thoughts From NYWC - Day Three
Today is day three for the NYWC in Atlanta. Today started off really well. I LOVED the talk by Phyllis Tickle...she talked about how the church is in the midst of a change...that every 500 years or so through history, the church has changed in a significant way. Her thought was that the emergent movement is the change that has begun.
I got to catch the Michigan game with some new friends....unfortunately the game didn't turn out so great. Next year, my friends, next year.
I went over to the CNN Center to check out some stuff and picked up a little something for my youngest. Then went over to the conference site to look around again.
Caught up with a few people then went to the evening session in which Louie Giglio talked. He was WONDERFUL...he told us that our anchor in life and in faith should be the cross...I liked that analogy.
Chris Tomlin was our worship leader and Family Force 5 played also.
I'm going to hit the hay cuz early morning tomorrow. Night all!
Posted by Carol at 11:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Emergent Worship, Youth Specialties
Friday, November 16, 2007
Random Thoughts From NYWC - Day Two
Today was a day filled with connecting with new friends and seeing a couple of old friends.
Gavin - I finally got to meet Gavin and chat with him over lunch. It was cool to put a face with the blogger name. I did notice his uncanny resemblance in both appearance and sound of his voice to Jack Black. I also met another of Gavin's friends, but right now I can't remember his name. Sorry...I'm really bad with names.
I also met Mark Oestreicher for just a bit. And I really liked his talk today. He told us to waste time with God...I like that term...just hanging out with God. How cool!
There was a lady from Missouri who had a little girl that was so very cute...made me miss my little guy. There were two Taylor students from Ft. Wayne who actually knew where I grew up...that was cool. A dude working one of the booths at the expo who is a Michigan fan...GO BLUE...who told me that we can catch the game at the expo on one of the TVs even though the guy who runs the booth is an OSU fan.
Oh, I forgot to mention seeing my good friend Todd which I went to seminary with. It was good to see him and his family. He's working for Youth Specialties so I hope to see him tomorrow so we can chat a little more.
And I saw the professor I had for youth ministry.
Mark Yaconelli talked about the Dark Night of the Soul as being the time when God works on us in secret to deepen our relationship with God. He also said that it is during this time...the time when we feel as though everything's out of wack and nothing really makes sense...that God is expanding our understanding of God. The boxes that we have placed God into are no longer sufficient.
Following this, I went to dinner and was shown around Decatur by Mary. Now I'm tired and have an early morning tomorrow. And looking at the clock, I think I'll go to sleep.
Night all.
Posted by Carol at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Youth Specialties
Random Thoughts From NYWC - Day One
I had intended to post yesterday but by the time I tried to log on, our internet here it was down. So now I have two days of conference to catch up on.
Yesterday wasn't really a conference day as I arrived in Atlanta and was trying to get acclimated to the area and see what all was going on. I got into Atlanta at around 3:15 and had to navigate through this airport which I'd never been to before. I finally found my luggage and waited for Mary. We met up and took MARTA to the hotel. I got checked into the hotel...my room is on the 26th floor. Mary and I went over to the YS conference site and I got checked in (after walking a few miles).
Later we went to The Underground and had dinner at a pub there. On our way back, a very helpful individual tried to evangelize to us on the way by the Phillips Center where Bow Wow was playing. Mary told him we were both pastors (which I suspect made him even more sure we were condemned forever) and assured him that God loves him.
From all the walking, traveling, and evangelizing, I was exhausted. So back by 8 to prepare for Friday.
The pictures are views from my room.
Posted by Carol at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mary Pete, Youth Specialties
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Almost Ready
Well, my bags are almost packed and I'm getting ready to go. I'm heading out to the Youth Specialties Conference in Atlanta tomorrow. I'm looking forward to learning some new things and discovering new techniques. There are new connections to make and old friends to see.
I'm looking forward to meeting up with my friend, Mary who's been in seminary for the last 2 and a half years. We're going to check some things out too.
I'm still trying to figure out where to watch the big game on Saturday. I'm hoping Michigan will pull out a win...we'll see what happens.
But I will miss my boys. :::::Tear:::::
I'll be blogging from Atlanta tomorrow if time allows. See you soon!
Posted by Carol at 12:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: Youth Specialties
Monday, November 12, 2007
Why Is It?
Today since school was out, I spent most of the day with my oldest. I told him that we could have some mommy and J time. He's been wanting to see The Bee Movie so we made plans to go see it today. I misread the site and thought the movie started at 12:30 instead of 12:50. Thinking we were running a little late, I hurried my 6 year old so we could get a good seat in case everyone had the same idea we had.
We patiently waited in line for our lunch/snacks...which sometimes is a challenge at our theater...then we made it to our seats.
Now, remember, we're like 40 minutes early thanks to my misreading...so we're the only ones in the theater. We had our choice of seats and wound up 2/3 of the way to the top in the middle.
Now comes my quandary...why is it that even when there aren't that many people in the theater, people insist on sitting almost on top of you? And why do the ones that like to kick the backs of seats or tap their feet incessantly have to sit right behind me?!
There are plenty of seats in the theater...the whole back row was EMPTY...but a grandfather and his 6 grandchildren had to sit butted right up next to us. Then on the other side, there are plenty of seats but the guy insists on sitting right next to me? Why is it that people don't say something when their children are kicking your seat repeatedly? Maybe it's because they're busy almost yelling at each other to be heard cuz they just have to say a few things right now in the midst of everything?
I don't get it. The theater did fill up after the movie actually started, but at the time we were being invaded there were plenty, PLENTY of seats.
Posted by Carol at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: irritations, my oldest
Friday, November 09, 2007
It's a Good Day
Today was a pretty good day. I relaxed at home during the day, had a nice dinner with my guys, and after dinner got to watch The Wizard of Oz with the guys. Our youngest didn't seem to have an appreciation for the world's greatest movie yet...but that will come with time. Our oldest kept asking questions about the plot and characters...
"Mom, what happened to that lady that took Toto at the beginning?"
"When did the Wicked Witch of the West turn green?"
"Why didn't everyone fall asleep in the poppies?"
These are the ones I remember. Having a good dinner, chillin' and watching Wizard of Oz...now that's a great way to spend my birthday.
Posted by Carol at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: birthday
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
The War Has Begun
Today I finally really got back to it. I'd been planning to go for quite some time but resolved to go today. I started back into my Y routine. I went to my water aerobics class and was surprised how good I feel now. I've been trying to watch a little bit more of what I eat and now I've made that leap again to be more active.
The class was basically the same with many familiar faces. I'm excited to be back to it.
I also found this neat site called How to Lose Weight with a Website and Spreadsheet. I had debated counting calories or looking at weight watchers but this site intrigued me. I also liked the site Calorie King which helps you find out how many calories you are eating a day.
I'll keep you informed as to how this is going. I don't want to have to wind up on Biggest Loser some day.
Posted by Carol at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: weight loss
Sunday, November 04, 2007
My New Addiction
I'd like to share my new addiction. My friend Mary introduced it to me last night and I have played it quite a bit since then. The exciting thing is that while I play (and I warn you it is addicting) someone is getting fed. It's a site called freerice.com and can be found at that link.
This site is done by the United Nations who will donate 10 grains of rice for every answer you get right. All of this in an attempt to stop world hunger.
The site is a word game...it'll give you various words and a list of potential meanings. I realize that 10 grains is not a lot...but since it's so addicting, you can find yourself playing for quite a while. I found myself saying if I can just get to 2200...then I'll quit.
What could be better? Playing a game, learning new words, AND most of all, helping to feed people. So cool.
Check it out and let me know what you think.
Posted by Carol at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: addictions, hunger