Saturday, March 25, 2006

Great End to a Rough Week

This week started out a little melancholy, but ended up rather well. On Wednesday, Jake went to be screened for Kindergarten. He had to have his hearing, sight and speech checked. And he did wonderfully. Everything checked out to be really good. I think now, other than orientation (if they have that) and buying school supplies, we are all ready for him to start kindergarten. I think Jake is really excited about school. 'Course the experiences he has with his new school are the school carnival (cool...they must play games for candy and prizes all the time) and the registration (they let you put puzzles together and eat cookies). I don't know what he'll think when things are just a little different.

Friday was a WONDERFUL day too. We had another doctor's appointment to check and see how the little one is doing. And this time, Jake got to come along. The doctor was GREAT...this was the first time we had met her...and I have decided that she is the one that I want to deliver this little one. Jim said she was the closest to the doctor that delivered our other bundle of joy five years ago. That doctor had left because of the high cost of medical insurance. She was great. I think this "new" doctor will be like her...she took a lot of time with us...recalled when she had been to the church and remembered me coming over and talking to her the first time she visited. It's not that I don't like the other doctors in the practice, but they're men and I like a woman who has gone through some of the same stuff that I have.

Anyhoo...after meeting her for the first (well, I guess second time) we talked about some of my fears and had everything checked out. Last time I tested positive for protein so I was very nervous. But this time all was good. I've been having problems with an allergy attack which turned into a cold so she told me what all I could take (I'd been just drinking a lot of water and that's about it). Then she got out the doppler and we got to hear the heartbeat. She was really good with Jake and asked him to come closer if he wanted. Everything sounded so good. Next she measured me and I am right where I ought to be at this time.

All of my anxiety went out the window with her great bedside manner. Next time, in three weeks, we're to have our ultrasound to see what this little one is. Jake has said for the longest time he thinks it's a girl, but Friday he said it was a boy. We'll see in April.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers during this past week...they mean a lot!!