Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Storm, A Cat, A Dance, A Wedding and A Bath are my pics since Tuesday. On Wednesday, not too long after we had all the ice and snow the two weeks before, we had a strong wind and rain storm. The weather was really weird...the trees that had been weakened by the ice were blowing and bending in the wind. Our power was going on, off, dimming, brightening. It was strange. Then after a while, the sky got really weird looking...this is a picture from that day when the sky turned a weird yellow.

On Thursday, our oldest cat, Stimpy was sitting close to me so I decided to snap a shot of her. As you can tell she was less than thrilled to get her picture taken.

Then on Friday, our oldest went to his first school dance. They had a Valentine Dance complete with loud music, glowing necklaces, food and fun. Here is a looks kinda wild I guess because of the dark...of our oldest as I went in to pick him up.

Saturday we went to a wedding of a friend. It was a beautiful ceremony and the tables were really pretty with purple rose petals, rocks, evergreen and candles. I snapped this picture of our table's centerpiece to show how pretty everything was.

Finally, tonight I snapped a picture of our youngest as he was finishing up his bath. He loves his time in the tub and is sad when the water has to "go back home to get ready for bed." Here is one of the times I actually snapped him as he said "Cheese" and smiled.

Hopefully, from now on I can keep up better with my pictures. I'm taking them but I am getting bogged down with posting them.


Theresa Coleman said...

I get bogged down too.

Stimpy as in Ren and Stimpy? Hmm... you must have boys.


Carol said...

Yeah, Stimpy is named after the Ren and Stimpy Stimpy. I've had her since my teaching days back in the early 90's. I was searching for what to name her and would watch Ren and Stimpy to keep up with stuff so I could understand what my students were talking about. I started seeing her sitting in front of the TV when that was on...she'd watch and watch it. So that became her name.